
The TAS School Food Fair

The Taipei American School "TAS" school fair is a traditional of Tianmu.On that day,the school allow people go into the caupus to the food fair.The caupus will be a shopping paradise and recieves a lot of doners from 52 sponsorship comparies.

They sell and accessories.From children's toys and speial painting.There is also a free market.Most Parents take their children to play games,but the best featue we think is the haunted house.People wait in long lines to go inside the haunted house.There are also many culture's dancing and singing and a marching band show.他們將出售從服裝道具到優雅的首飾,從兒童玩具到獨特的繪畫。精品店也會將用過二手的名牌商品,辦跳蚤市場。
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Words: Wikipedia-Tianmu,edited by "Mr. Scout is Scouting",UDN.

Photos: edited by "Mr. Scout is Scouting".